In one of the first meetings I got to have with these two, Justine had told me that Cody and her had met in September of 2012 at the South Bend Zombie Walk… It was about that time when I realized that these were going to be perfect to work with, guess what? True story.
Justine & Cody got married at the Blissful Barn in Three Oaks Michigan and it’s quite a beautiful venue. Each of them had their own suite across from one another. The bride and her friends were some of the first to arrive and to start getting ready. While they were all in their suite and turning their beauty dials to 11, I decided to take the dress out in the main area to be photographed as it’s a gorgeous dress for a beautiful bride.
Cody and the groomsmen (the band will be touring soon) arrived with wedding garments in hand and a trunk full of pumpkins. Once they were done unloading a few things it was time for the group to head upstairs and start their getting ready process because soon it would be time for Justine & Cody’s “around the corner” photo. This is where I roam around the property trying to locate a spot that will both be visually pleasing yet allow them to still stay hidden from one another and guests. Right outside of the getting ready area was the perfect little spot for them, and their moment was amazing.
A little while later it was ceremony time. The guests began to find their seats, Cody and the groomsmen started to line up and fall into their spots. This is where I could see the anticipation growing on Cody, awaiting his soon to be bride with a joyful nervousness… *click* … Quickly spinning on my heel I turn to see Justine at the top of the staircase lit mostly by the faint glow of the nearby chandlers making her way to her soon-to-be husband… *click* The ceremony was short but very sweet and filled with many loving eyes fixed upon the newly wed couple in awe as to what they got to witness. “Mawage”.
I cannot thank either of you enough for letting me spend the day with you both as well as your wonderful friends and family. Thank you for making me feel like I was not just your photographer but a friend attending your wedding who just happen to have brought his camera. You two are amazing people and I cannot wait to see what you two accomplish in this life together.
Venue: The Blissful Barn | Florist: Heaven & Earth Florist | Makeup: Jessica Grammatica | Hair: Jenni Jones of The Beehive | Wedding Dress: Elegance Wedding & Evening Wear | Cake: Rachel Dubree | DJ: The Music Men