Sometime in the summer of 2009 at cross-country conditioning, Elizabeth & Dylan first got their first chance to lay eyes upon one another. At that time though they didn’t really talk to each other much but I am certain that both of them felt, something, for one another. It wasn’t until the spring of 2012 that they really started to finally get to talking between them and then that fall they started dating!
During our consultation Elizabeth has mentioned they enjoyed running and still assist with coaching and their teams to this day. We talked about where we might photograph their engagement session and after a bit of deliberation we ended up on St. Patrick’s Park in South Bend, Indiana. It’s a beautiful park with a lot of memories for not just the locals in the area but this photographer as well.
These two seemed slightly nervous at the start of the session, as most couples do, it’s natural to feel that way. But not even 5 minutes into the session I was able to witness that anxiety melt away as they almost forgot I was even there while paying more attention to one another.
I cannot wait to photograph their wedding in July of 2018. Thank you both for spending the evening with me and allowing Westley Leon Studios to capture not just your engagement session or your soon to be wedding but the memories that will last you both a wonderful lifetime.
We’re Westley Leon Studios, a team of wedding photographers in South Bend, Indiana with an unwavering commitment to authentic imagery and a personal experience. For the couples who choose a damn good time over stuffy propriety every time.